The Accumulation Phase of Life

There are three general phases of life when it comes to “stuff” and how we relate to it:

  1. learning in childhood/early adulthood;

  2. accumulation as adults; and

  3. downsizing as mature adults.

In this article, I’ll discuss the accumulation phase and how an organizer can help. I’m starting here because this is the phase I’m personally in, though I’m closer to 3 than to 1 at this point! 

When you first move out on your own, life feels like a never-ending trip to the store or online to get… a spatula, a shovel, some towels, a lawnmower, a side table, essentials for a professional wardrobe. You name it, and you probably need it when you’re getting established. Then there are first homes, pets, kids, and new hobbies. Each of these life changes introduces the need and the desire for more stuff. Accumulation is a natural and oftentimes exciting part of the decades-long process of growing from young adulthood into middle age.  

This can also be a chaotic time involving career development, family growth, childcare, financial strain, and an enormous struggle to keep all the balls in the air at once. Depending on your inclination, available time, and natural tendencies, systematization and ordering of all those things you have accumulated may be a challenge. Like other professional services such as personal training, cleaning, or yard maintenance, professional organizing is another option to make your life easier and more enjoyable.  

Unfortunately, there is an inordinate amount of shame associated with a messy home, but there shouldn’t be! It’s incredibly common for our homes to become cluttered, messy, or frustrating in some way at various points throughout our lives, and especially during the accumulation phase. But many people think it’s just them and try to hide it away from who they perceive to be the other 99 percent of super organized people. It’s just not true!

If this is you, contacting an organizer may feel risky. What if she’s never seen a house as messy as yours before? What if she asks you questions that make you want to disappear into the floor? These concerns are common. Fortunately, not only will a good organizer not judge you, but they will also be genuinely excited for the opportunity to help you live better in your home. Many of us have gone through our own metamorphoses and cannot wait to help others know the freedom that comes with decluttering and organization.

Professional organization is flexible to whatever you need it to be for you. We’ll start with an in-person, complimentary consultation so I can learn what’s working well and what’s driving you crazy. I’ll help you set some goals, big or small, and then we’ll decide if you’d like to get to work with me. If you’re a busy person, and many people are, there is a lot I can do while you’re otherwise engaged. What we’ll work on is completely unique to your situation and can range from creating a system for processing your mail more efficiently to decluttering your entire home.

On the fence about organizing?

Learn some of the reasons people hire an organizer and how it can help by clicking here.