Do I need an organizer?

Does this sound familiar?

  • Every flat surface in your home is a magnet for “stuff.”

  • You're moving soon, and dread packing clutter you meant to sort and purge years ago.

  • You were late for the hundredth time because you couldn't find your keys.

  • Your pile of donation items keeps growing but never actually leaves.

  • There's friction in your household.

  • You have an overflowing closet but nothing to wear.

  • You often re-buy things you already own because you can’t find them.

  • You're moving to a much smaller space soon and need to reduce by 80%, but how?

Most people want to be more organized, but something stands in the way. Here are three common barriers to doing what seems like it should be easy but is actually quite difficult.


If you are parenting young children, caring for a relative, or physically unable to sort and lift a lot of items, organizing your home might not be a reasonable expectation right now. So, give yourself a break.


Perhaps you are hitting your stride professionally, you're heads down on a passion project, or you're perfecting your pickleball game. Whatever the case may be, organizing just isn't your priority. When it's time to rest and recharge, the last thing you want to do is deal with a mess. So, the piles keep growing.


Maybe you are committed to developing and maintaining supportive systems in your home but were never taught how to do so or are out of practice. You know you can gain and keep momentum if you have support and accountability.

For all these reasons and many more, a professional organizer might be right for you.

Amy Ege