A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place

In the 1996 comedy Happy Gilmore starring Adam Sandler, professional golfer Gary Potter (played by Kevin Nealon) shares this sage advice on the putting green: “Happy, the ball itself has its own energy, or lifeforce, if you will. Its natural environment is in the hole. So why don’t you send him home?” Of course, Happy can’t sink the ball and hilarity ensues as he shouts at the ball to go home.

This isn’t unlike our stuff. Everything needs a home, a designated place where it logically belongs, otherwise it’s going to be a source of frustration. A professional home organizer can help create order and calm by helping  you designate a home for everything in your house. Here are three ways this will help you.

Save Time and Energy

Knowing where each item is located saves you time and energy when you need to find something. When everything has a designated spot, you won't have to spend hours looking for misplaced items. Instead, you can easily locate what you need and get on with your day. Moreover, having a home for each item helps you avoid buying duplicates of things you already own. When you know what you have and where it is, you don't waste money on unnecessary purchases.

Reduce Clutter

Assigning a home for each item reduces clutter in your living space. When everything has a place to go, you won't have to worry about items piling up on countertops or floors. Instead, you can put things away quickly and easily. Additionally, when you assign a home for each item, you are forced to evaluate whether you really need and use that item. If you find that you rarely use an item, consider donating or selling it. This can help free up space and reduce clutter in your home.

Create Order

When your home is organized, it creates a sense of order and calm. It's easier to relax in a space that is free from clutter and chaos. When everything has a designated spot, it's easier to maintain a clean and organized living space. It's also easier to keep track of what needs to be cleaned or put away when everything has a specific location. This can help reduce stress and create a more peaceful living environment.

Having a home for each item is a simple yet effective way to maintain an organized and clutter-free living space. It saves time and energy, reduces clutter, and creates a sense of order. If you are struggling with home organization and decluttering, consider assigning a home for each item in your living space. It may take some effort initially, but the benefits are well worth it. And, there is always the option to hire a professional organizer who will jump start the process for you, and get you on the path to organization.

Now, if you haven’t watched Happy Gilmore, or not in a while, please stop what you’re doing right now and view this movie immediately. It’s guaranteed to boost your mood by at least 80%.